<p>Are you stuck in a dead end job? Feeling like your career is out of control? Or are you you just entering the workplace and wondering what it takes to get ahead and really succeed in today’s complex job market? Most of us manage to get out the door and show up ready to work day after day, and we somehow just get by. Well, that is not good enough! This is your life we are talking about. You owe it to yourself to do more than simply survive Corporate America. You deserve to be a tremendous success at your job. You deserve to be significantly rewarded for your effort. Most important, you deserve to get the recognition you have earned. This book will tell you what you can do, both right now, and in the long-term to take your career to the next level. This book will inspire you to re-think how you relate to your coworkers and bosses. It will help you realize the power you have to be successful at work and truly happy at your job.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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