<p>Everyone on earth is given only a single shot at lifeー one lifetime, and we are all free to spend it as we wish. We may choose to drift, to live as spectators whose actionsーor lack thereofーcan lead to wherever, whenever. On the other hand, we may choose to live as captains of our own ship, to grab the helm and steer towards whatever destination we choose. Nowadays, people live adriftーmere spectators of a life they do not know they have the power to control. Imagine a world where each of us lives with direction, as if every single day is a step towards happiness and fulfillment. This world is what Daniel Harkavy, executive coach, and Michael Hyatt, best-selling author, have in mind. In Living Forward, Hyatt and Harkavy explain how we can realize and build the legacy we want to leave behind. They show us how to identify what matters most, determine where we want to go, and devise an effective plan to get there.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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